Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Body Fat and Improve your Heart Health
The larger and heavier you are, the harder your heart has to work. As you gain body fat, your body has to develop additional tiny blood vess

10 Heart-Healthy Foods Your Body Will Love
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Gluten-free: Going Against the Grain
In recent years, gluten has become the new dietary no-no. As during the fat-free and low-carb crazes of the past, consumers are now...

Your New Year’s Fitness Questions Answered
The start of the New Year is a great time to set new fitness goals and work towards living a healthy, active life. Order Herbalife Online.

Boost Your Workout With These Exercises
It’s easy to get comfortable in the gym and do the same workout routine, over and over. However, if your current sessions are getting too ea

Are You Getting Enough of These Five Nutrients?
Unfortunately, many people are eating too much, yet getting too little nutrition. Many of us are eating too many calories from foods that ar

5 best ways to help you control hunger
It’s hard to stick to your diet if you’re feeling hungry all the time. Try my five tips to help control hunger.Hunger control is probably th

Burn Fat Faster: 5 Efficient Ways
As a speed-based athlete, I was never a fan of any type of endurance style training. The idea of walking or running for more than 60 minutes

Weight Gain And Aging: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It
Gaining weight with each passing year is something many people seem to take for granted. At least, that’s the sense I get when I talk to...
Couple's Dieting
Dieting as a couple ? It helps to understand some of the differences between men and women when it comes to weight loss. Part of the...